What Would You Do - Conference Edition
Conference Edition doesn’t come in a box as such; it works using a third-party plug-in that works with Microsoft PowerPoint and enables you to engage up to 200 people in one go.
With Conference Edition, you can focus both large and small groups on purposeful in-person or virtual conversations.

WWYD Conference
What content comes with the Conference Edition?
You can choose from the content packs available [link to content options], or more commonly, we create bespoke content. In our experience, when you bring large groups together, you typically have a central message or theme you want to share, which is why we are most often requested to create bespoke content.
WWYD Conference
Ways to play

To play online, we blend three components: Microsoft PowerPoint, any online meeting tool (with breakout rooms) and a third-party polling plug-in.
When you add the WWYD process and content, it becomes a potent mix that can reach large groups and accelerate the change in behaviour across your audience.
Bring your audience into the main online room, share the scenario and the options, and ask the group to vote before you open the breakout rooms. Then, encourage the groups to discuss and debate and form an answer to the question, ‘what would you do?’
Bring the groups back into the main room and debrief each group, taking time to uncover key realisations and learning. Repeat as you need. You can integrate scenarios into your agenda to underpin core messages or run a large-scale development session. However, to maintain interest and enthusiasm, we recommend you don’t exceed 90-minutes for the session.

Large in-person conferences are a perfect way to deliver a more personal message to your audience. Using WWYD allows you to take your key message and socialise it to ensure understanding and reinforce the purpose.
In your conference, you can play as individuals, in teams or both. Share your chosen scenario on your main screen and ask your audience to vote (in teams or as individuals). Then, invite your audience to discuss in groups (on their tables). You can ask each table to debrief the learning or use a roving mic to debrief the room for shared learnings and realisations.
If your message matters, don’t leave it to chance. Help your people to build a shared understanding of what good looks like.
WWYD Conference
Conference Examples
A big four consultancy used WWYD as part of its onboarding session for 180 new apprentices. They held a day-long virtual session that needed to be engaging and impactful, one that would help their apprentices better understand business skills, wellbeing, diversity and inclusion and social styles. To achieve this, they used bespoke scenarios to embed learning across these areas.
A leading pharmaceutical firm used WWYD Conference to embed new values. WWYD is perfect for taking the intellectual understanding of a concept and making it practical. With new values, our client wanted people to play them through the WWYD lens. They wanted people to raise awareness by socialising the different behaviours’ impacts and consequences. There are two key questions; ‘what would you do?’ and ‘what does good look like?’
We created a bespoke set of scenarios focused on socialising their values across the EMEA region. Sessions were run remotely in each territory by a trained internal facilitator.
A leading anti-doping agency has adopted WWYD as part of their elite athlete education programme. This collaboration brought our social learning expertise and combined it with the subject matter expertise of the agency. Together we created a bespoke content pack that provides the agency with the flexibility to run intimate sessions online or in-person. They can also use WWYD as part of large-scale education sessions, ideal in the run up to a major event such as Olympics or World Championships.