Try this real example for you to play with your team.
Gather your people together and set the scene for your people. You are going to share a situation, and you want them to debate it.

Then, share this situation with your team:
Step 1 - Scenario
Step 2 - Options
Step 3 - Discussion
Step 4 - Reflection
Step 5 - Close
Step 1 - Scenario
Read out this short scenario to your team:
You discover your best friend, Jason, breaking the rules.
The question for your team is simple; what would you do?
Step 2 - Options
Read these options and ask them to pick one they would do:
A. You turn him in
B. You turn a blind eye
C. You tell your boss
D. You tell Jason to come clean, or you will
Step 3 - Discussion
You can use these questions to generate a discussion:
- What would people really do in this moment?
- How have they arrived at their decision?
- Why did they pick the option they did?
- Why did they ignore the other options?
- What conflict did they face?
- Is there a perfect answer?
Step 4 - Reflection
Invite the group to reflect on the discussion; these questions should help:
- What did you learn?
- What did your team say that surprised you?
- What assumptions did they make?
- What narrative (stories) did your people create to help them make sense of the scenario?
Step 5 - Close
Ask each member of the team
What would they do if this situation happened in the workplace?
The ‘What Would You Do?’ experience is about discussion, sharing experiences, testing assumptions and arriving at a shared understanding of what good is for you and your people. When groups arrive at a shared consensus, it increases their commitment to new behaviours.
How confident do you feel that your team will make the right choice when it matters?