Becoming a WWYD facilitator

WWYD Facilitator
The power of facilitation
WWYD is a social learning tool. What that means is it creates a space for people to come together to understand, share and explore how they see the world differently. We are all shaped by our experiences, influences, biases and beliefs, and they inform the moral compass by which we make the decisions that affect our daily lives.
The challenge comes when we clash; we see the world differently because our journey to here is not the same; how can it be? When you think about it, we all have very different upbringings, education, and experiences and our influences are diverse. However, from those situations where challenge comes in to play, we can also get greater understanding of others around it.
And through the balance of challenge and understanding we can find common ground – particularly if you have a medium that allows people to share their differing opinions.
And that’s the beauty of WWYD; it creates a safe space to have discussions in a meaningful way. WWYD removes threat and judgement, for understanding, compromise and agreement come to the fore.
The WWYD facilitator is fundamental to the success of any session. And, for that matter, the growth of your people.
With over 1,000 game sessions facilitated we understand what it takes to facilitate a purposeful discussion.
There are many attributes of a great WWYD Facilitator, but they boil down to three key factors:
When we think of coaching, we really mean having the ability to ask great questions that cause people to stop and think—when playing WWYD, your facilitator uses the power of questions to enable groups to challenge their current paradigms and see what works from another perspective.
No one person can know everything yet it’s easy to get caught with the expectation that, as managers and leaders, we should. Facilitating WWYD is about having a level of confidence that shows control, not of the topic but of the process.
Facilitators build their confidence through the support they get at every step, from suggested questions and guidance around intended learning points for the scenarios played. However, when they combine their internal knowledge with powerful questions, they exude confidence and the group focus almost entirely on the WWYD experience forgetting the existence of a facilitator except when there are points to distribute.
Above all, facilitators will ask the obvious question everyone is avoiding; they will challenge the elephant in the room and provoke healthy debate.
They will confidently allow a healthy tension and conflict before stepping in at just the right time.
For us, credibility is not about status, position or titles; it’s about the experience. Do others see us as credible on the topic? Credibility comes from our experiences and how we approach them. Facilitators who have trodden the path can speak with authority, feeling and authenticity. The combination of the organisational and practical experience your facilitators bring, along with their ability to empathise with others make them credible.
WWYD Facilitator
What to look for in your facilitators
- Confidence to manage the group and personalities
- Confidence to manage the subject matter
- Confidence to manage themselves
- Confidence to manage healthy conflict and debate
- Confidence to manage the game and the process
- Curiosity to find out what’s behind what players say – why do they think the way that they think?
- Coaching by asking great questions that cause others to think and share
- Challenging others with helpful intent, able to push back and cause others to share the thinking behind their words – what would they/others really do?
- Credibility in the group and the ability to relate to their challenges
- Assertiveness – having the ability to control different personalities
- Empathy with others and seeing things through the different lenses of individual players
- Inclusivity – invites contributions from everyone, and ensuring everyone has the ability to participate
- Internal Knowledge – having a good understanding of your internal policies, processes, politics, key movers and shakers
- Engaging players to ensure they have a great gameplay experience
- Motivating players to take their learning and change their behaviours, as needed, as a result of playing WWYD